Unveiling the Unseen: Accessing Spirit Guides in Hypnosis
A spirit guide, to put it simply, is believed to be a non-physical entity that provides guidance, protection, and wisdom. They are thought to be enlightened beings that have evolved past the need for physical incarnation. Instead, they exist in the spiritual realm, providing support and guidance to those of us in the physical world.
Quantum Journeys Hypnosis is a technique that serves as a bridge between our physical existence and the spirit realm. Developed by Kryssa Marie Bowman, a renowned hypnotherapist, Quantum Journeys Hypnosis Technique (QJH) employs various modalities: Resource States Transformation, Past Life Regression, Quantum Jumping, connecting with Spirit Guides, Spirit Releasement Therapy, working with the Inner Healer, accessing the Akashic Records, and guided visualization. QJH hypnotists utilize these and various other traditional hypnosis techniques to induce an individual into the deepest levels of trance where communication with spirit guides is possible.
A study published in "The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology" (2012) examined the phenomenon of 'perceived contact with the deceased' during hypnosis sessions. It found that 27% of the participants reported experiences that they attributed to contact with a deceased individual or a spirit guide.
One testimonial by a patient named Sarah, who underwent Quantum Hypnosis, is particularly enlightening. "During my session, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace," she shares. "I saw a figure surrounded by a soft glow, who introduced himself as my spirit guide. He provided advice on several personal matters that had been troubling me. The experience was surreal but profoundly healing."
Emily, a business executive, shares her transformative experience: "In my session, I met my spirit guide, who showed me past life experiences that were affecting my present life's professional decisions. The insights I gained were invaluable, and they have since guided my decisions, both personal and professional."
While skeptics may argue that such experiences result from the power of suggestion or are mere figments of the imagination, proponents argue that the insights gained during such sessions often provide uncannily accurate guidance and wisdom that the individual could not have known otherwise.
Dr. Brian Weiss, a psychiatrist and pioneer in past-life regression, has documented numerous cases of patients gaining profound insights during hypnosis sessions. In his book "Many Lives, Many Masters," he speaks of patients who, under hypnosis, narrated experiences and provided wisdom beyond their personal knowledge or experience.
Quantum Hypnosis proponents argue that such experiences suggest that the wisdom comes not from the individual's subconscious mind but from a higher source - their spirit guide - and also access the collective consciousness.
However, it's important to approach Quantum Hypnosis with a trained practitioner. The International Quantum Journeys Hypnosis Academy maintains a directory of certified practitioners to ensure safety and professionalism.
In conclusion, the concept of spirit guides and accessing their wisdom through Quantum Hypnosis is a fascinating area of study. While it may not fit within the conventional scientific paradigm, the numerous testimonials and the growing interest in such practices suggest that there might be more to our existence than what meets the eye. It invites us to consider that guidance, wisdom, and healing could be available to us from unseen realms, if only we're open to the possibility.
๐Learn more about Quantum Hypnosis or Book a Session to meet your spirit guides.
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